105 | What the Flipping Nora is going on?

Whilst it's been a weird old week for everyone, it felt right to bring you a podcast episode on a Monday morning as usual. 

As this podcast is recorded weekly with a guest I've kept to that format as much as possible, but my guest this week (and for at least the next 4 weeks) is my team mate, Emily. 

So, join us for a chat about how we are feeling and how we are responding to the situation. 

The Six Week Thing - Step Back & Level Up 




Vox by Christina Dalcher

Queenie by Candice Carty- Williams 

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary 


Profit First by Mike Michalowicz 

Do Purpose: Why Brands with a Purpose Do Better and Matter More by David Hieatt 

Do Disrupt: Change the Status Quo or Become it by Mark Shayler  



Fake Heiress - BBC 4 

Why'd you push that button? - The Verge 

Start Up - Gimlet 

The Happiness Lab