20 lessons from 2020

The countdown to the end of 2020 is well and truly on and I for one am very excited to see the end in sight. This year has been a LOT and I’ve found myself spending the last few weeks reflecting on what it’s held for me and my business.

There are so many ways to review a year and one of my favourites is to look at the lessons it’s taught me. And in a year like 2020, where challenges and unexpected changes became part of the furniture, these lessons weren’t hard to come by.

If you’re feeling nosey (or perhaps just want a prompt to do the same reflection!) I thought I’d share 20 lessons from 2020...


  1. The work you put in now will shape the results you see in 6 months, act intentionally and be patient

  2. Success and happiness are different things, treat them that way

  3. Having boundaries makes you better at helping others, not worse

  4. Shifting an already established business to look after your wellbeing is hard

  5. The people you let into your life will greatly impact your ability to succeed

  6. Continuing that thought, stepping away from relationships which don’t serve you is hard but the right thing to do

  7. No business model will be the ‘one’ - it’s in a constant state of evolution

  8. Stepping outside of your circles is an active choice and one I need to make more

  9. There are things I enjoy other than running a business… but running a business is still my fav thing

  10. My business doesn’t require constant trips to London to survive (phew)

  11. Money is a tool and there’s a difference between fearing it and respecting it

  12. Successful people still experience fear, they just take action regardless

  13. Being proved wrong is a good thing, especially when it’s about something which will help you impact more people (in this case, FB Ads and free challenges)

  14. Managing people isn’t always easy

  15. It’s possible to take a whole month off

  16. Stepping up amidst the uncertainty is what makes a leader

  17. You’ll never regret choosing kindness over profit

  18. It’s windier at the top and people won’t always clap you for climbing

  19. Working for yourself is actually more secure than corporate work

  20. Trusting the process and doing things your way isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it

So those are some of the lessons 2020 has given me - how about you? Do any of those resonate with you or has your year looked wildly different? I love nothing more than hearing about and learning from other peoples end of year reflections so hit reply and fill me in!

Not done any 2020 reflection? I’d love for you to join me for a guided reflection via Instagram LIVE this Friday at 3pm. I’ll give you the prompts and space to look back on 2020 so get it in your diary and be sure to bring a pen / paper! 

I’ll be back in your inbox for a final time this year next week, revealing an incredibly exciting project which has been in the works for the whole of this year… it’s my first step into the world of products and I’m so excited to share it with you!!!

Until then, I hope you have the best week and can’t wait to read some of your 2020 lessons…