109 | An uncut call with my business mentor and what this season is teaching me

Today's episode is something a bit different but after this coaching session with my business mentor Jo, I thought it might be interesting to share with you all what this current season is teaching me and how things are looking for me as a business owner.

As you know this year I am making some shifts in my business and Jo is playing a really vital role in helping to fill in the gaps in that transition and ensuring that the new business that I'm stepping into, has me thriving, not just surviving and serves my needs alongside the needs of others. 

Jo is a total genius at holding a mirror up to you and helping you to understand how your business is and isn't working for your wellbeing and for your mental health. 

This episode was mine and Jo's third session where we focused in on what the current situation is teaching me about how I measure success, about the trust that I can put in me and my business, and ultimately about what is and isn't important moving forward. 

If you enjoy this episode, I’d love for you to leave a review over on iTunes or connect with me over on Instagram to let me know what you thought!